Stop stress in its tracks with training
Everyone encounters stress throughout the day; whether at work, on the news, at home, or in many other situations. And though the human body can cope with minimal signs of stress, when stress overwhelms the senses it becomes a problem. Stress can make you angry or depressed, and it can lead to emotional eating, high blood pressure and heart disease. Learning and understanding proper mechanisms to cope with stress is vital to maintain a healthy lifestyle and perform well at work.
Stress affects us all differently; headaches, insomnia, forgetfulness, depression, back pain and irritability are all signs of stress. These stress management courses use easy to understand examples and instructions, showing viewers how to minimize the damage of stress and make personal adjustments to their lifestyle. Courses help to identify what causes stress, steps to eliminating stress, rethinking stress, coping with stress and seeking support. Course topics range from managing stress, recognizing stress, dealing with emotional eating, and more.
Course Listing by Topic: Conflict: Stress Management
Single play retail price is listed, contact us for employer pricing.
Title | Product ID | Single Play Retail Price |
3 Steps To Feeling Less Stressed In 1 Minute | lpln3stf_m_vod | Buy | $3.95 | |
Amygdala Hijack In 1 Minute | lplnahij_m_vod | Buy | $3.95 | |
Calming Anxiety In The Moment In 1 Minute | lplncaim_m_vod | Buy | $3.95 | |
Dealing With Anxiety And Stress In 1 Minute | lplndwas_m_vod | Buy | $3.95 | |
Developing Mental Endurance | lplndmen_vod | Buy | $11.95 | |
Manage Workplace Stress | tlrnmwst_vod | Buy | $24.95 | |
Managing Stress | sst9mans_vod | Buy | $30.95 | |
Managing Stress | lplnmstr_vod | Buy | $11.95 | |
Managing Stress In 1 Minute | lplnmstr_m_vod | Buy | $3.95 | |
Mastering Stress | sst9mass_vod | Buy | $30.95 | |
Mindfulness | lplnmind_vod | Buy | $11.95 | |
Mindfulness In 1 Minute | lplnmind_m_vod | Buy | $3.95 | |
Recognizing Stress | sst9rstr_vod | Buy | $30.95 | |
Reduce Workplace Anxiety | tlrnrwan_vod | Buy | $24.95 | |
Reducing Stress In 1 Minute | lplnrstr_m_vod | Buy | $3.95 | |
Stress Response (Fight Flight Freeze) In 1 Minute | lplnsrff_m_vod | Buy | $3.95 | |
Stress: Emotional Eating | sst9eeat_vod | Buy | $30.95 | |
Stressful Workplace Relationships | crmlswre_vod | Buy | $24.95 |